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Welcome new lab members

Dr. Madeleine Bartlett recently finished her PhD at the University of Plymouth, UK. She also has a MSc in Psychology from the University of Exeter. She will be doing postdoctoral research funded by the National Research Council (NRC), co-supervised by Terry Stewart. Dr. Bartlett started working with us earlier in 2021, but moved to Canada in July. Her project involves applying new neural processing strategies in reinforcement learning. She also enjoys building with Lego.

Dr. Michael Furlong has a PhD in Robotics from CMU, as well as 2 MSc degrees (Neuroscience from Oxford, and Robotics from CMU). He started his academic career with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Memorial University. Oh, and he also spent 6 years as a researcher in the NASA Ames Intelligent Robotics Group. Dr. Furlong also enjoys choral music and cooking.

Nicole Dumont did an MMath degree here at Waterloo in Computational Mathematics. She also has a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics & Physics from McMaster University. She started her PhD with Chris Eliasmith in 2019, and will now join our lab. Her research involves advanced neurocomputing techniques such as Spatial Semantic Pointers (SSPs) and Legendre Memory Units (LMUs), and their use in navigation. Nicole’s other interests include drawing and painting.

Junteng “Jeremy” Zheng recently finished his master’s degree with Prof. Lin Wang at the University of Jinan, China. His thesis was on evolving neural networks that could learn. He is the recipient of a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council for his PhD. Jeremy enjoys playing guitar, as well as art (and hopes to complete a painting… some day).

Michael Karras recently completed a degree in Computer Engineering from U of T. His capstone project involved novel machine-learning architectures to perform super-resolution on audio. He will be co-supervised with Olga Veksler, and work in the area of computer vision. In addition to his academic pursuits, Michael enjoys biking.

Dr. Terry Stewart is a Research Officer at the National Research Council (NRC). He has a bachelor of applied sciences (Systems Design) from Waterloo, an MPhil in Computer Science and AI from the University of Sussex, and a PhD in Cognitive Science from Carleton University. Dr. Stewart is also a co-founder of Applied Brain Research. When he’s not building brains, he likes to build things with Lego.